If you appreciate the great accessible software we have compiled in one easy-to-use website, Please consider using website services provided by Effective Solutions or sharing with someone who may need them. This helps us to fund and expand our free services to the blind and low vision community. Likewise, if you have the means,
Please consider making a donation to assist with future enhancements.
All donations will b used to fund the following:
- Online training via Zoom Conference and YouTube videos.
- Software licenses.
- Hardware for testing other operating systems.
- Website hosting.
- Email list management.
- Podcast hosting.
Affordable and Accessible Websites
Do you need a new website with email accounts, social media, user-friendly forms for products, services and donations? All websites come standard with the following features:
- Email accounts, email form and email list for recurring sales and donations
- Online payments for products, services, and donations using: PayPal, Stripe or Square
- Social media integration with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
- Free training for updating and maintaining your new website
- Maintenance plans including backups, security updates, copywriting and photo editing
- New or updated logos for websites, business cards, fliers, mailings, and social media
Begin Creating Your New Website Today!
Maintenance Plans
If you lack the time or technical skills to maintain your website, Affordable quarterly or annual maintenance plans include daily backups, software and security updates, content additions, copywriting and photo editing.
Back Up and Secure Your Site Today
Logos and Graphics
Do you need a New or updated Logo, promotional graphics, or edits to your photos? Your new custom logo and graphics can be placed on anything you desire to help you project the image you want.
Get Your Custom Graphics Here
Contact Effective solutions
Michael Lauf, President, Effective Solutions
PO Box 336 Owensville IN 47665-0336
Phone: 812-550-4022 | Email
Use our discovery form to help you build the ultimate website for your business or organization